Month: October 2022

October nearly gone

Autumn 🍂 Untidiness October is nearly gone; wind, rain are beginning to make their selves known in the garden but the birds don’t mind a little untidiness. This shrub doesn’t seem to mind either, wind, rain, it takes these in its stride; because it’s roots go down deep, wind doesn’t rock it too much and […]

October nearly gone please click here to read rest of posy.

Through All The Changing Scenes of Life

Autumn Confetti

October brings its own blessings as the year in church progresses slowly towards short hours of daylight and long hours of darkness… I always feel October is as much about the hope of new beginnings as it is about the summer’s ending.

True, the leaves are falling, thick and fast now as the trees prepare for winter’s sleep but within the trees that is just part and parcel of Spring’s revival, new shoots, new greens.

Always during this month, this old hymn comes to mind, with memories of Evensung and choir friends now singing with a far greater choir in heaven. Like most hymns of its age it is based on a Psalm, Psalm 34 in this instance, the tune that goes through my head when singing at home is ‘Wiltshire’ written by Sir G Smart, 1776-1867.  The words are by N Tate and N. Brady … the Ancient and Modern Hymnal (revised) has in brackets (New Version).

Through all the changing scenes of life,                       In trouble and in joy,                             The  praises of my God shall still                        
My heart and tongue employ.
O magnify the Lord with me,                       with me exalt his name;                               When in distress to him I called,                  He to my rescue came.


Verses 1 and 2, say or sing it all for me.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the Lord created, all four, he gave us all our days and when we came into this lovely world he wished for us all, joy, love and peace and perhaps when we are troubled, uncertain or afraid of how our future days will unfold,we might remind ourselves that our Saviour Christ knew in his earthly walk the same trials and troubles we know, if our way is difficult, sad or painful…. so was his… Remember Gethsemane, Golgotha, the Cross, the borrowed tomb… the empty tomb… He is our Risen Lord… First the trials, then the glory and his promise to be with us, always.

Amongst the fallen leaves I see the promise of the life that is still to come and “unfailing sympathy, undying love.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16.33 (N.I.V.)