Category: Holy Week

Wisdom’s Channel

Make me a channel of Your peaceWhere there is hatred let me bring Your loveWhere there is injury, Your pardon, LordAnd where there’s doubt, true faith in You Oh, Master, grant that I may never seekSo much to be consoled as to consoleTo be understood as to understandTo be loved as to love with all […]

Personal thoughts from my own Journey as I come to rest awhile in the shadow of the cross.

Wisdom’s Channel

Read more of this post on Coracle and Tide by clicking on the link above…

Jesus is Lord

“Lord, do you wash my feet?”

Well,yes! Jesus does wash the feet of every single follower. Washes our feet as many times as it takes. He forgives us as many times as it takes. As Jesus saw the Father doing so Jesus did. Jesus left everything… to have nothing. He came from the Father to occupy the lowest place.



So that we might know the Love of God and that our love might be made perfect.

Again, again and again. Hear the sounds of the blows rained down on Jesus that terrible day we call good Friday and bless the Lord for the love pouring from the heart of Jesus.

By those blows that made His tender flesh black and blue… we are made whole and washed yes washed not just our feet but every part as the blood flows from His wounded side.

In your relationships with one another have the same mind as Christ Jesus:

Who being in very nature God,

Did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

Rather, he made himself nothing

By taking the very nature of a servant, being found in human likeness.

And in being found in the appearance of a man,

He humbled Himself

By becoming obedient to death –

Even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place

And gave Him the Name that is above every name,

That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow,

In heaven and on earth and under the earth,

And every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

To the glory of God the Father.

For the times without number our sins have been forgiven

So let us forgive

For the times when Jesus has washed our feet

For the times when we have fallen and His hand has helped us up

For the times when we have not asked

You Father God nor our brother or sister for pardon

The times when Grace has been seen as a right or something we have earned or deserved

Father forgive.


Jesus Christ is Lord!

Scrioture; Philippians 2. 5-11

Still we are together…

Follow me….

This is my 4th week, of being shut in at home. I live alone so I am alone, and yet never alone.

This is the wonder of belonging to Christ Jesus. .. nothing is able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8.39) This is not just to quote a verse-it is to acknowledge a truth.

It is also true that nothing can separate us from one another. When we think of church, we think of the church at work, pulling at the oars, washing the nets, following Jesus who calls us to be Fishers of men. Despite not being in church together on Sundays we can still do this work … we can still pray.

Let’s pause, every day and pray for those people in our hearts who have not yet given their hearts or themselves to follow Him. That they too may discover the Saviour of the world this Holy Week.

On Palm Sunday many of us placed a palm cross, a green branch in windows and doors. No processions this year, but still the longing to recall and to follow hard in the steps of the Lord Jesus. I found myself saying quietly, “Lord, I am so glad you don’t have to ride that donkey into town again”


Because of the next events in the life of Jesus, betrayal, arrest, denial, mocking, scourging the bitter agony of death by crucifixion. What could have been the thoughts, sorrows and pains of His heart.

We do not know. We cannot tell. But we do know it was for us that God sent the Saviour, Saviour of the world that we might know the Joy and Fellowship of Eternal Life now..

Father in Heaven, we bless and praise you for the Joy of knowing that in Jesus, you have ransomed, with a love so profound all who turn to You, clinging onto the Hem of Christ’s garments we cling to you and you gladly lift us up as little children in the warmth of your embrace. How great the Joy of your Church that nothing, absolutely nothing can tear us from that embrace or from each other. Amen

Dave Walker’s cartoon in Church Times
Before Lockdown