Month: April 2015

Is There a Song in You


Sometimes you just have to sing, right?
Sometimes you just have to dance, even if you are all alone rattling pots and pans in the kitchen. For many Christians there are those moments when we just have to tell the world, that we have a wonderful Lord, surprisingly, to some perhaps, even the most sedate C of E worshipper has dancing feet.

Here is how THE MESSAGE translates Mary’s Song (Luke 1:46)

I’m bursting with God-News I’m dancing the Song of my Saviour God”

St Giles has been finding a new song(s) lately, our new Music Director, Mrs Agata Beaman, it’s pronounced Agatha, has been teaching us new songs and for some of us, how to find the voice and song in us, we never knew we had. She is a good, resourceful teacher and singing practices are a joy.

From time to time, some of our gifted congregation, delight us with trumpet, violin, oboe, piano but sadly no harp yet.

Coming up, Wednesday 27th May, Agata is planning a children’s music workshop in the Church Hall. Time 3:00pm. Will share more of that later as information becomes available.

She is also planning a concert with some of us older ones – we are quite thrilled about that. Singing is always good for us and we feel we have something to sing about. If like me the bible version of your childhood was the Kings James version you may recall these words,

The Lord, Jehovah is my strength and my song.’ – Isaiah 12:3 – the modern NRSV translates might instead of song, but there is power in a song, especially a song of praise.

What about you? Is there a song in you?
Would you like to meet new friends?
There is a welcome for you at St Giles

. St Giles follow the link to our website for more information.


Besides the main altar beneath the great east window, Rowley Church has a small side chapel .. We call it the Lady Chapel, although I don’t think it has ever been consecrated to the Virgin Mary, there are no images of Mary in there, but she is depicted twice in the stained glass window in a Nativity Scene and with the apostle John at the foot of the cross.

A short, simple Holy Communion is held every Wednesday in the Lady Chapel, 10:15 sharp .. But folk usually linger over coffee in the kitchen afterwards, this is a good time for those who are retired and on holiday to come together and say a prayer.

Every morning and early, Reverend Ian Shelton, (far from retired and with a whole day if Ministry and Service in front of him, begins his day at the small prayer desk in the chapel, saying Morning Prayer, and praying for all who attend church, their families, any one who has had contact with us, schools, beavers, Cubs. Scouts, the local hospital, doctors’ surgeries. Believe me this is a long list, but each name, organisation is faithfully remembered before God over the course of a month.

The lovely flower arrangement (arranged with love by Carole and given with love by Iris) reminds me, with its little bird peeping out of this verse:

Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God,” (psalm 84 v3 NRSV)

The list of names on the prayer desk, speaks to me, saying each person also has a home in Rowley’s Lady Chapel and in the Church’s prayers.

(From one of the ‘Cleaning Team)


Maundy Thursday

There are times, there are seasons, good days, bad days, but what if today was our last day, and we knew it?

If we were given a choice how would we spend it?

With family, friends, with those we love and with those who love us, I suppose that is the answer most would give, and there can be no better. It is what our Lord Jesus did, and at the end of it he shared in the Passover Meal, as he had so greatly desired to do with his friends and disciples .Many thousand, thousands will be sharing in Holy Communion, simply to remember on this Maundy Thursday

My church, St Giles, Rowley Regis will be doing just that, gathering together with brothers and sisters from nearby Knowle Methodist Church and other free churches we shall remember, and let our Saviours words, his encouragement to serve, wash each other’s feet and, to love one another settle deeply, more surely into our hearts.

Me? I’m simply a pew filler, not a preacher, not a server at the altar, but I like to think I also serve.

Soon my church will be celebrating its 100th birthday, it has known lots of times and seasons, good days, bad days but in 1923 it knew a special day, it’s day of consecration, the day when those gathered, dedicated this special building to the worship of God.

Just as it is with buildings so it is with people, if we sit and think about it we also had a ‘consecration’ day – a special day when we gave ourself to God. some might say, ah yes, the day I was confirmed or baptised, the day I was licensed as a lay reader, ordained, the day I was married. Please share your special day with “Tides and Tidings’ if you wish, I am sure the editors would love to hear about it.

Maundy Thursday reminds us of the Consecration, the Sanctification of the Lord Jesus, just as clearly as his desire that pew fillers and followers should love one anther, just as he was consecrated and sanctified in the Truth and to his Father’s will and purpose, so he prayed that we should be.

“Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” – John 17:17</strong

Today's world is a busy world, time rushes on, gathering together as church, grows less important to many, who no longer feel the need to make time or to belong, could it be they are forgetful of their Consecration Day, the purpose to which their life was dedicated?


I abandon myself into your hands,
Do with me what you will,
Whatever you may do,
I thank you.
I am ready for all.
I accept all,
Let only your will be done in me
And all your creatures –
I wish no more than this, O Lord,
Into your hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to you
With the love of my heart, for I love you Lord,
And need to give you myself,
To surrender myself
Into your hands without reserve,
And with boundless confidence,
For you are my Father.
(Charles De Foucauld 1858-1916)


From a Rowley Church Pew Filler and lover of Jesus