His Thoughts Said, His Father Said

His thoughts said, ‘My work is not important. Would it matter very much if a floor were left unswept or a room left untidied? Or if I forgot to put flowers for a guest, or omitted some tiny unimportant courtesy? His Father said, ‘Would it have mattered very much if a few people had been left without wine at a feast? But your Lord turned water into wine for them.’ And the son remembered the words ‘Jesus took a towel’

Amy Carmichael His thoughts said, His Father Said
Jesus Took a Towel

Every week someone in every church fellowship picks up a towel, fills a kettle makes tea or coffee, washes up. Somewhere in every home, office, school class or other place of work, always there is someone who thinks that what they do is unimportant. The opening quote from Amy Carmichael says it is very important

In serving God, nothing, not even the smallest thing, we do for others is overlooked by Him, if it is only a cup of cold water we can give to another Jesus tells us that we will in no way lose our reward for even that small thing, we should bear that in mind and do the small things with great courtesy and the smile, and gentleness which says ‘you are welcome’

Jesus has invited, and is welcoming all to the same great ‘feast’ The Bible tells us that at the last meal shared with his beloved friends … it was Jesus Himself who did the unimportant job of washing feet. If that unimportant task was regarded as important as changing water into wine. Who are we to argue.

This is posted with thanks to all who make me feel welcome at St Giles week by week. And in deep gratitude to the Father of Jesus for His gentle patience in showing me continually where my thoughts are not His thoughts and my ways are not His ways. My truest prayer would be that I might become more like Jesus who took up the towel and then took up the Cross and died for me,

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55: 8-9

5 thoughts on “His Thoughts Said, His Father Said

  1. Great post, and an excellent reminder that when we serve others, we are ultimately serving the Lord Jesus — no matter how seemingly small the task!

    Greetings from Florida to my brothers and sisters “across the pond.” May God richly bless your congregation!


  2. I suppose every church has its merits. And I have honestly witnessed the Sikhs washing their members and strangers’ feet and feeding them. The church as the body of Christ must become an embodiment of love.

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